In the Honduran education system, upper level high school students choose a study pathway after 10th grade that can be carried into university studies. Our current study options are Humanities, Accounting and Finance, and Tourism. We are so excited to announce that in 2022 we will have a FOURTH upper level study option to offer our students as we launch our Agricultural Engineering track at Abundant Life Institute!
The program will be headed up by our amazing Agricultural Engineer Erick (pictured above) who has been lovingly tending to and overseeing the ALI garden for over 2 years now. With Agriculture being such a cornerstone of both the economy and way of life in La Mosquitia, Erick’s expertise brings a rich and important perspective to the growing operations at the school and how we can continue to set up our student’s for success in their careers after they leave us. This study pathway will set our students up to launch successful businesses as entrepreneurs as they learn to sustainably process and tend to the rich resources of the region, or to go on and be leading contributors to businesses in La Mosquitia and beyond.
Another exciting element of this program is that participating students will be given priority for enrollment in the new Agricultural University opening up in Mistruck, the very first university campus in La Mosquitia, Honduras. To be able to stay in the Mosquito region to continue their studies after graduation is a HUGE deal for our students!!

the National University of Agriculture in Mistuck to discuss study opportunities for our students
Making the big move into mainland Honduras is not only costly, but can be really lonely and difficult for some students to navigate when La Mosquitia is the only home they have ever known. While some of our students dream of going out and seeing the world, others desire to stay and study and reinvest in their community, and we are excited about these new opportunities opening up that will make doing so much more accessible for them.
We work hard to make sure all of our students dream big during their time with us, and our hope for each and every one of them is that they are able to grow into the fullness of what God has for them, whatever that may look like for them personally!! We can’t wait to kick off this new program and will have more details soon on what the costs of building out the new needed workshop space will be.
As always, thank you for your continued investment into the lives of children, youth, and families in La Mosquitia, Honduras!! Your commitment and generosity is creating opportunities for all be given the chance to thrive!