What We Do
Reach Out Honduras was started to help support vulnerable children in La Mosquitia, Honduras.
With only 8% of low-income students able to graduate from high school in this region, we founded Abundant Life Institute in 2014 to provide high-quality, accessible education to middle and high school students who are economically excluded from the public education system. We seek to meet the needs of our students in a holistic manner: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and academically.
Our programs are all in Puerto Lempira, the largest town in the region of La Moskitia, primarily inhabited by the indigenous Miskito Indians.
The work of Reach Out Honduras includes 3 areas:
Discipleship & Holistic Care
Propelled and motivated by our Christian faith, we work to share the hope and love of God to our students and their families through relationship, intentional discipleship, and investing in their physical wellbeing and emotional health as well.
Educational Opportunities
Our goal is to remove the barriers to education that keep families in La Mosquitia stuck in the cycle of poverty. We provide accessible education for youth as well as accelerated options for teen moms and adults who never got the chance to graduate themselves.
Sustainable Solutions
We believe in ‘teaching a man to fish’ whenever possible. Reach Out Honduras teaches trades like sewing and jewelry making for teen moms, and we are currently in the process of developming micro businesses as sustainable employment opportunities for graduates.

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