10 Things I Love About ROH:
- Dreams. Before ROH, the students were unsure of their future. Now they have dreams to become teachers, doctors, nurses, physicists, and mathematicians.
- Scholarships. Scholarships funded by sponsors are making it possible for students to attend college and military academies, in pursuit of those dreams.
- Nourishment. The two meals a day that are provided for students allow them to study, without the distraction of being hungry. The food is both nutritious and delicious.
- Community. ROH has built a community that knits together students, teachers, cooks, staff, and parents. The new pavilion gives the community another place to gather and grow together.
- Teachers. The teachers at Abundant Life Institute are committed to growing and learning, so they can help guide the students into the future. They teach love, as well as math, science, language, and many other subjects.
- Growth. It is a joy to see how God has blessed ROH in 10 years with so much growth in the number of students attending, the expansion of facilities, addition of new teachers, and addition of new grades and programs.
- Responsibility. The funds donated to ROH are wisely and responsibly administered in the running of a very successful school. You can trust that your donation is to its best and highest use.
- Students. If you have spent time with the students, you know that they are very special. You can see the joy on their faces. If there is a project to improve the school, they are excited to help. If the school is open, they want to be there.
- Waits Family. This family is the heart and soul of the school. They have given so much of themselves, and have made a huge difference to so many families. This impact will be felt for generations to come
- Future. The future is exciting to think about. What will happen in the next ten years? What new dreams will begin? How many more scholarships will be given? What new programs will take flight? What students may return to Puerto Lempira to serve their community as teachers, doctors, or community leaders?